One group spent the rest of the day up the Woodland Walk - trimming back foliage and brambles and removing a couple of ivy covered fallen trees. Litter and many dog poo bags were cleared up and the leaves rakes off the path.
3 of us spent time down on the long pound, removing overhanging vegetation and brambles and then attacking a couple of huge willow trees - removing dead branches and several branches that were intent on reaching the towpath...!
Attached are a couple of lunch break photos - on Kathryn's front doorstep. The gentleman on the left of the first photo is Graham Newman - from Braunston. He's another of Miriam's second in command co-coordinators, as Miriam was with the Northampton IWA Group down at Lock 17. Now - WHO planned 2 local working parties on the same day...!
A couple of volunteers spent a good while 'fishing' twigs, branches, pieces of driftwood and float litter out of the cut just above Lock 14 and the blanked off entrance to the 'dry lock'. A good barrowful was retrieved, including an armadillo! What - in the canal at Stoke!
It's actually come from the scaffolding that has been erected around the Museum for the external maintenance works. It is a bright yellow scaffold fitting cover, used to protect human heads and limbs from accidental injury from protruding scaffold clip bolts - when on a publicly accessible route.