Wednesday, 11 October 2017

A serious prune was overdue...

By Helen Westlake on 11th October 2017

A successful working party met on a fine, if windy, October day and the main task achieved was to reduce the height and width of the hedge alongside one boundary of the Museum car park. The shrubs and bushes had grown well above the height of the neighbouring wall and out into the car park bays so a serious prune was overdue. The border now looks very tidy and the neighbour is much happier.
The volunteers then changed tack and went on to prepare and paint the pair of gates at the main entrance into the Quarry Field, another useful job before the winter. These gates, made by blacksmith Bob Nightingale, now look very smart.
Other smaller autumn tidy up jobs were carried out in the gardens around the Museum and around the Ash box by Lock 15, together with a general litter pick along the Woodland Walk.
Many thanks to all the volunteers involved.